中文一气说完再说英文,别一句中文一句英文。不用每次提醒左侧还是右侧开门,车厢内都有标志能看到,残障人士看不到就听广播,也不用每次提醒要注意列车与站台之间的空隙。pls mind the gap between the trian and the plantform.需要换方向开门的站说一次就够了,for example:欢迎乘坐地铁三号线,本次列车开往保税区方向,下一站通化门,(不要加站这个字)下车的乘客请提前做好准备。(遇到换乘站时就表述:乘客可换乘一号线。假设该站开门顺序较上一站或下一站有变化,就加上这一句:列车从通化门站起将要开启右侧车门,请勿倚靠和手扶车门谢谢合作。Welcome to (Xi‘an metro )line three,this train is bound for BAOSHUIQU,the next station is TONGHUAMEN,please get ready for your arrival.interchange station for line one.The door on the right side will be used ,please keep clear of the door ,thank you.列车进站了就说:通化门站到了。We are arriving at TONGHUAMEN station.别再now at什么stop了。用station吧,再假如到终点站了千万别the last stop了,例如:欢迎乘坐地铁三号线,本次列车开往保税区方向,下一站终点站保税区,请携带好随身物品准备下车,欢迎您再次乘坐西安地铁出行。Welcome to line three,this train is bound for BAOSHUIQU,the next station is BAOSHUIQU,The terminus of the train,Please get ready for your arrival and make sure of all your belongings with you ,thank you for taking Xi‘an Metro on your next trip ,have a nice day.